Along with the posts we write for the Simple Machines blog, we contribute to a number of different websites that cover similar territory. Below are a few of our recent favorites.

Content marketing strategy comedy writing

1. Content Marketing Strategy: Lessons from Good (and Bad) Comedy 

The worlds of content marketing and comedy don’t exactly overlap, but we’re here to tell you that there are lessons to be learned from comedy writing that can apply to content. Seriously, find out how you can use these lessons from good (and bad) comedy writing to improve your content marketing strategy. No joke.

Read the full post at Content Marketing Institute

2. Providing Metrics in a (Not Provided) World

Instead of valuable search keywords showing up in our analytics, we have “not provided” accounting for upwards of 50% of search traffic in some cases. For those who rely on organic traffic data for search engine optimization, this trend is serious cause for concern. I know it’s tempting to get angry and theorize about Google’s  PPC-minded motivations, but I think that a better use of our efforts would be on preserving and maximizing the search data we still have.

Read the full post at Advanced Web Ranking

Social Media

3. 4 Ways Social Meda can Help New Businesses Establish Credibility

I’m not here to claim that every business should invest heavily in social media. However, I will offer a few ways that social media can help new businesses establish credibility—benefits that aren’t always discussed in the typical social media success stories. Creating visibility is a primary challenge for any new company, but for many segments of clients and consumers, establishing credibility will be crucial as well.

Read the full post at  Grow Socially


4.  Less Obvious Landing Page Conversion Killers

As a marketing strategist with a digital focus, I’ve spent a lot of time analyzing, tweaking, testing, and generally thinking about landing pages. The topic of  conversion optimization is one that’s been widely written about and discussed. And yet, I continue to see landing pages from businesses that are falling short in critical—and familiar—ways.

Read the full post at Keep Up with the Web 


5. 4 Signs You Need a New Website 

New Design

If the very prospect of investing in a new website is making you stressed out, there’s a good reason for that. It’s a big undertaking, and as the old adage goes, “Change sucks.” Why invest so much time and resources when the site you have now is fine, right?

Read the full post at Zemanta

6. Troubleshooting Your Underperforming PPC Campaign

If you’ve ever managed a PPC campaign, you know there’s always more tweaking required before you have a well-oiled conversion machine. Here’s a guide to troubleshooting that underperforming campaign.

Read the full post at Search Engine People

Simple Machines Marketing